Don't Forget the Flour, 2019
Don't Forget the Flour, 2019

Handmade paper, fabric, vellum, gel transfer, paper, thread, acrylic, ink, graphite and nail on canvas

140 x 90 cm

Peak Questions, 2019
Peak Questions, 2019

Acrylic, handmade paper, fabric, gel transfer, limestone paste, modeling paste and graphite on wooden panel

25.5 x 34 cm

Undiscovered, 2019
Undiscovered, 2019

Vellum, paper, tape, acrylic paint, ink on acrylic sheet

28 x 14 cm each

Building Blocks (Series 2, #1), 2019
Building Blocks (Series 2, #1), 2019

Acrylic on wood
48.2 x 26.4 cm

Exhibited as part of the PLAY Group Exhibition, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Building Blocks (Series 2, #2),  2019
Building Blocks (Series 2, #2), 2019

Acrylic on wood
34.2 x 17.6 cm

Exhibited as part of the PLAY Group Exhibition, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Building Blocks (Series 2, #3), 2019
Building Blocks (Series 2, #3), 2019

Acrylic on wood
40.2 x 21.4 cm

Exhibited as part of the PLAY Group Exhibition, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Map Order (#1), 2018
Map Order (#1), 2018

Mixed media

26 x 17.5 cm

Map Order (#2), 2018
Map Order (#2), 2018

Mixed media

26 x 17.5 cm

Map Order (#3), 2018
Map Order (#3), 2018

Mixed media

26 x 17.5 cm

Shapes in Place, 2018
Shapes in Place, 2018

Fabric, thread, watercolor

91.4 x 20.3 cm

Untitled, 2018
Untitled, 2018

Handmade paper, palm tree leaves, dried flowers, nail, vellum and graphite

27.5 x 21.5 cm

Structured Loss, 2018
Structured Loss, 2018

Found object (plaster grave marking), newsprint, lined paper, acrylic and ink

75.5 x 19.5 x 5 cm

Don't Forget the Flour, 2019
Peak Questions, 2019
Undiscovered, 2019
Building Blocks (Series 2, #1), 2019
Building Blocks (Series 2, #2),  2019
Building Blocks (Series 2, #3), 2019
Map Order (#1), 2018
Map Order (#2), 2018
Map Order (#3), 2018
Shapes in Place, 2018
Untitled, 2018
Structured Loss, 2018
Don't Forget the Flour, 2019

Handmade paper, fabric, vellum, gel transfer, paper, thread, acrylic, ink, graphite and nail on canvas

140 x 90 cm

Peak Questions, 2019

Acrylic, handmade paper, fabric, gel transfer, limestone paste, modeling paste and graphite on wooden panel

25.5 x 34 cm

Undiscovered, 2019

Vellum, paper, tape, acrylic paint, ink on acrylic sheet

28 x 14 cm each

Building Blocks (Series 2, #1), 2019

Acrylic on wood
48.2 x 26.4 cm

Exhibited as part of the PLAY Group Exhibition, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Building Blocks (Series 2, #2), 2019

Acrylic on wood
34.2 x 17.6 cm

Exhibited as part of the PLAY Group Exhibition, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Building Blocks (Series 2, #3), 2019

Acrylic on wood
40.2 x 21.4 cm

Exhibited as part of the PLAY Group Exhibition, Tashkeel Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Map Order (#1), 2018

Mixed media

26 x 17.5 cm

Map Order (#2), 2018

Mixed media

26 x 17.5 cm

Map Order (#3), 2018

Mixed media

26 x 17.5 cm

Shapes in Place, 2018

Fabric, thread, watercolor

91.4 x 20.3 cm

Untitled, 2018

Handmade paper, palm tree leaves, dried flowers, nail, vellum and graphite

27.5 x 21.5 cm

Structured Loss, 2018

Found object (plaster grave marking), newsprint, lined paper, acrylic and ink

75.5 x 19.5 x 5 cm

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